Rehab industry: Health reform can lead to dissimilar treatment

The Danish government's health reform might have the opposite effect, says the Danish trade association of manufacturers and suppliers of assistive technology, Danish.Care.
Foto: Rehacare 2013
Foto: Rehacare 2013

The Danish government and the Danish People's Party have agreed on a reform of the health system that centralizes the procurement of products to ensure more uniform treatment of patients across the country.

However, the reform might have the opposite effect, says Danish.Care, the trade association of more than 100 manufacturers and suppliers of assistive technology and welfare technology.

"Larger and more centralized procurements do not go hand in hand with individual solutions for individual patients and needs," says Morten Rasmussen, CEO in Danish.Care.

"The optimal solution involves all sectors and an improvement of the aids centers. We fear more de-specialization and dissimilar practices in the disability care sector, which runs completely counter to the government's ambitions of equal conditions and rights for everybody," he says, adding:

"Unfortunately, the reform seems to give a low priority to the entire disability care sector."

Danish.Care pointed out the uncertainties about the future of the rehab sector already in January, when the government presented its reform proposal. Although the government has had meetings to answer questions from trade unions, industry associations and other interested parties, Danish.Care has not had the opportunity to express its concern.

Although he welcomes the intentions of the reform, Rasmussen therefore repeats his worries for patients and rehab companies.

"One of the health system's main challenges is the boundaries between sectors and the many pitfalls for patients in, for instance, the transition between hospitalization and rehabilitation. We welcome all initiatives to improve the transition. We hope the reform makes it easier to be a citizen in the health system - but when you introduce more actors and decision-making forums, it's hard to see the simplification," he says.

English Edit: Ida Løjmand

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